Hotel Investor Apps (HIA), the hospitality-specific ERP, Accounting and Intelligence platform, announced today major new enhancements to its business intelligence solution, HIA Intelligence. The latest product release includes more insights into financial, operational, and labor data and an enhanced user-interface, including greater visualization and processing speeds.
As the hospitality industry looks to further laser-in on cost-saving opportunities and enhance the bottom line, HIA has responded with additional tools to do so.
Enhancements included an expanded Labor Management tool with a new Employee Details Dashboard , and a new Daily and Monthly Operations Recap Dashboard with side-by-side labor metrics.
HIA has also enhanced its POR Dashboard to benchmark revenue and expenses, as well as added a deeper layer of detail to the Food & Beverage Financial and Operational Views. These new and upgraded views provide both deeper detail and more flexibility for hoteliers to zero in on revenue and expenses.
The user experience itself has also been enriched with new filtering options, new report scheduling and sending options, increased processing speeds for faster data visualization, and increased frequency of data synchronization so hoteliers have the most up-to-date data possible.
“All the new functionality and expanded dashboard views are the result of direct conversations with our hotel management customers, who are utilizing HIA’s intelligence technology to the fullest to manage labor and expenses,” said Chip Fritsch, COO at HIA. “These latest user-interface enhancements make the financial, operational, and labor intelligence even more accessible, so that every GM has the relevant and timely information to react quickly and strategize long-term for more profitable hotel management.”

Jaime Goss has over a decade of marketing experience in the hospitality industry. At Hotel Investor Apps, Jaime heads up marketing initiatives including brand strategy, website design, content, email marketing, advertising and press relations.