What is Digital Transformation?

Digital transformation is taking manual or outdated processes and applying modern technology to meet changing business requirements and increase business efficiency. Or to put it simply, it is transforming your business through better use of technology. It is about rethinking the way you do things to optimize your business.

However, digital transformation is not a one-time event, it is an on-going process of always improving. You can do this by moving your business onto a ERP platform; one that is always undergoing new development and releasing new features and improvements.

A Fully Connected Hotel Business

For hotel companies, digital transformation, via a cloud-based ERP, takes the business from slow and labor intensive to a fully connected business with streamlined processes and integrated data for a single-version-of-the-truth.

The pandemic and economic upheaval have highlighted how critically important it is for hotel businesses to have current and connected data to respond immediately to changing circumstances.

Without current, accurate data it is impossible to make informed decisions. Decisions are more like guess work.

In addition, hotel owners and management companies have the responsibility of preparing their companies by putting resilient systems and practices into place now, to withstand the next disaster, of any kind.

Future Proof Your Company

The first and best way to create a resilient company and resilient processes is to consolidate and integrate your back-office systems. A cloud-based ERP designed for hotels can do everything on one platform.

Cloud-based means your data is always backed-up, (and the back-up is backed-up) and that data is instantly synchronized from all inputs, from anywhere. Your employees and your stakeholders will always be on the same page with the most up-to-date financials.

The beauty of an ERP platform is that modules for financial management, business intelligence, budgeting and forecasting, purchase orders, fixed assets, document management, and workflow are built from the same core, and data is shared seamlessly across all modules.

Why You Need to Digitally Transform

The immediate benefits and time-savings are felt at every level of the company.

Recapture hours of general manager and employee time every week by eliminating manual data entry, automating PMS importing, using automated Accounts Payables and integrated Purchase Orders, and more. Workflow helps to manage employees, set tasks and reminders, and receive alerts, such as AP approval notifications.

With an ERP, data silos are eliminated, which is invaluable to business intelligence and decision-making. Additional benefits are felt as your company grows into the ERP software, for example, by reallocating employee roles due to the automation of routine and time-consuming tasks or adding functionality through integrated Independent Software Vendors (ISV)s, and of course, the release of emerging technologies through periodic updates on the platform.

Unless You are Moving Foward, You are Falling Behind

You may think your company’s current systems and processes are working for you, but unless you are moving forward, continually transforming and improving, your company is falling behind.

We are here to help. For more information on how to start your digital transformation journey, contact Chris Hall, Chris@hotelinvestorapps.com. Or get started with a personalized demonstration of the only true-cloud ERP designed for the hotel industry: Request a Demo.

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